About this blog: One of our Business Development Managers owned and operated a small healthcare staffing business before coming to work at Sales Focus. In the blog below, he shares his experience working with a sales outsourcing company. He lays out why he decided to outsource, what he learned from the experience, and why it benefited him and his business. Before starting my second career with Sales Focus Inc., I founded and operated a small business for more than 15 years. Like many entrepreneurs, I wore a lot of hats, especially in the early years of the company’s life. One of my responsibilities was managing a sales force. With regard to directing our sales team, I was fortunate that I was in sales prior to starting my own business, so I felt like I had a good understanding of what it would take to direct a successful sales organization. But as time went by, I recognized that managing a sales team was a full-time job—one that was vital to the success of my business. Partially because of my full schedule, I felt some anxiety about whether I was optimizing our sales results. Was I hiring the right people? Was I managing our salespeople appropriately? Were they being compensated and incented to maximize their performance? Despite my background in sales, I decided to outsource a portion of our sales activity to a niche sales outsourcing company that was a good fit for my small business. I learned some important things from this experience: Outsourcing freed me to focus on the bigger picture of operating the business. My salespeople were more motivated and successful when focused on closing warm-to-hot leads generated by a third party, as opposed to cold outreach. Outsourcing to a dedicated team of inside sales reps allowed for increased persistence and number of calls to each prospect—timing is everything. We received more reports on sales activity and increased feedback about sales messaging. Working with an organization that focused exclusively on sales performance meant that we could benefit from a higher level of expertise. If you are considering outsourcing sales for any or all of these reasons, you should look to Sales Focus, Inc. As the pioneer in the sales outsourcing space, Sales Focus has been completely focused on hiring and managing successful sales teams for more than 25 years, making us the leader in sales operational expertise.